Illegal act on Australia Day could cost you $27,000

Authorities are cracking down on anyone on Australia Day setting off fireworks without a licence.

Those who choose to celebrate Australia Day are being warned that illegal fireworks will cost them a whopping fine or even time behind bars.

According to SafeWork NSW, anyone in the state who is caught setting off fireworks without a licence could be fined up to $27,000 and even 12 months in jail.

Head of the organisation, Natasha Mann, spoke about why the penalties are so severe.

A photo of police on Bondi beach on Australia Day last year.
Those celebrating Australia Day could cop a hefty fine or even time in jail for illegal fireworks in NSW. Source: Getty

“Most people behaved themselves when they farewelled 2022 but unfortunately some people across the state decided to break rules designed to keep the community safe,” Ms Mann told NCA Newswire.

“Fireworks can cause serious injury or death if not handled correctly, which is why we will take a zero tolerance approach when it comes to people putting their life and the lives of others at risk.”

“The community should be able to celebrate Australia Day with family and friends unscathed."

Fireworks are set off at the Opera House as the Australian Flag is projected onto the sails.
Fireworks are usually displayed on Australia Day, however unauthorised shows could result in a huge fine. Source: Australia Day Council of NSW

Only last year at a Christmas carol event a rogue fireworks display went horribly wrong, leaving children injured and people running from the scene.

SafeWork NSW notes that penalties apply to people who have anything to do with illegal fireworks, whether that's "selling, buying, storing, transporting or setting off fireworks". Leading up to Thursday, the organisation will also be conducting compliance checks for firework displays that are registered, according to NCA Newswire.

Anyone with information regarding the sale or use of illegal fireworks should report it to Crime Stoppers at 1800 333 000 or on their website.

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