'Hot Dog Princess' takes costume creativity for kids to the next level

Hot diggity dog, she’s a princess and everyone knows it.

While the other dainty dancers opted to dress up for dance class as fairy princesses, savvy six-year-old Ainsley Turner decided to turn the tables and show up as a hot dog and has since been dubbed the “Hot Dog Princess.”

The sassy six-year-old’s blatant disregard for societal expectations has certainly struck a nerve in the community.

Part of a series of images that were uploaded to Twitter by the teacher. Source: Grayson Lamontagne/ Twitter.
Part of a series of images that were uploaded to Twitter by the teacher. Source: Grayson Lamontagne/ Twitter.

Her proud dance instructor, Grayson Lamontagne , uploaded several images of Ainsley on social media and the photos have since gone viral sending social media into a meltdown.

People around the world are celebrating the six-year-old’s sense of independence and creativity.

“That’s my favorite of all the dress-up costumes,” Ainsley told News Observer when speaking about her hooded hot dog costume.

“I think ballerinas can wear dresses, and they could wear T-shirts, and whatever they wanted,” Ainsley said.

Her proud dance instructor, Grayson Lamontagne , uploaded several images of Ainsley on social media. Source: Grayson Lamontagne/ Twitter.
Her proud dance instructor, Grayson Lamontagne , uploaded several images of Ainsley on social media. Source: Grayson Lamontagne/ Twitter.
People around the world are celebrating the five-year-old’s sense of independence and creativity. Source: Grayson Lamontagne/ Twitter.
People around the world are celebrating the five-year-old’s sense of independence and creativity. Source: Grayson Lamontagne/ Twitter.

“I like to dance at home, and I don’t always like getting fancy and dressed up.”

LaMontagne, who teaches Ainsley’s tap and ballet classes, said she was alarmed at first by the 500 or so retweets the picture had according to the News Observer.

“She’s not my child, so I kind of freaked out,” LaMontagne said.

“I put my (Twitter account) on private, but like a month later, I thought it’d been long enough, so I unlocked my account. Overnight, it had like 10,000 favorites, and a million accounts had posted screenshots of it.”

“She’s so bubbly and so happy to talk to everybody,” LaMontagne said, laughing.

“And she’s so confident in herself. You’d have to be to wear a hot dog costume to class.”

Ainsley’s proud father told the News Observer that he’s pleased with the positive message that has been the takeaway from his daughter’s new found social media fame.

Ainsley’s father admitted that a family friend had donated the hot dog costume to the Turners as part of a bundle of outgrown dress-up clothes.

Her father has credited LaMontagne for validating Ainsley’s choice of costume and letting the rest of the class know it’s alright to be a little bit different.

Ultimately Ainsley has proven that this little hot dog is no silly sausage.

News break – June 6