High-tech esky breaks online crowdfunding record

The Coolest Cooler. Picture: Facebook

Pardon the pun but is this the coolest esky in the world?

A high-tech cool box - complete with blender and speaker system - has broken records on crownfunding website Kickstarter.

In less than three months the Coolest Cooler campaign raised a staggering $10,914,284 to become the highest funded Kickstarter project of all time, far outstripping the modest original goal of $50,000.

As well as a rechargeable blender and waterproof Bluetooth speaker, this ultimate esky includes a USB charger, LED lid light and extra wide tires.

Its 57 litre capacity is even big enough to hold the 99-pack of beer on sale in Texas.

Despite its current online popularity, designer Ryan Grepper told CNBC the project was the result of a lot of hard work.

"Nine or 10 years ago, I was making a blender out of a weed wacker, putting an old car stereo into a cooler," he said.

When the Coolest Cooler was first put on Kickstarter in 2013 it was a failure.

"We weren't successful," Grepper said.

"We thought tailgating folks would want it, and Christmas would work. But I hadn't done enough homework."

After it broke the Kickstarter record, Grepper posted a video on YouTube thanking his supporters.

"At it's core, the Coolest is all about having fun and making memorable experiences with family and friends," he said.

Grepper told CNBC the Coolest Cooler was scheduled to go on sale in February 2015.