6 Misleading Or Inaccurate Statements This Viral Fetus Development Video Makes, As It'll Be Required Viewing In Some Schools

After the overturning of Roe v. Wade, anti-abortion groups have taken to schools to further propagate misleading information on reproduction.

Protesters holding signs reading "ROE IS DEAD" and "The future is anti-abortion" amid bubbles
Stefani Reynolds / AFP via Getty Images

As the Guardian notes, North Dakota became the first state last year to pass a law requiring schools to show a video called "Meet Baby Olivia" — or something in a similar vein. "Meet Baby Olivia" is a video that garnered millions of views since it was posted two years ago. It's made by Live Action, an anti-abortion group that insists its depiction of a fetus is "medically accurate."

A digital illustration of a fetus in the womb, appearing at an advanced stage of development. The image is labeled "Live Action"

Tennessee has followed with a "Baby Olivia" law this year. Bills to show such videos in sex education have appeared in at least 10 other states this year, with the video named in at least five.

Close-up image shows several sperm cells swimming. The background is blurred, creating a focus on the moving sperm cells. The text reads "LIVE ACTION" in the top left corner
Live Action

So, here's some of the many misleading statements the video makes:

1.Inaccurate: "This is the moment where life begins."

A digital animation of a sperm cell swimming toward an egg, representing fertilization. The background has a soft, abstract design with floating particles

2.Misleading: how old the embryo is.

This video marks the embryo's growth from conception, which is not how pregnancy is typically measured. Instead, it is usually tracked from the last known period. This is important to note because many of the markers used in this video are presented around two weeks earlier than they would be in medical terms. So when the video states that

3.Inaccurate: "At three weeks and one day, just 22 days after fertilization, Olivia's heartbeat can be detected."

A close-up image of a developing human embryo

4.Misleading: how an embryo looks.

Live Action, MYA Network / Via myanetwork.org

The image on the left is Live Action's depiction of an embryo at six weeks. On the right is what real pregnancy tissue looks like to the naked eye in the first trimester, courtesy of MYA Network.

5.Inaccurate: "At 11 weeks, she is playing in the womb, moving her body, and exploring her environment."

A computer-generated image of a baby

6.Misleading: "Beginning at 18 weeks, ultrasounds show speaking movements in her voice box."

Ultrasound image of a fetus

You can read more about the proposed bill here.