Hairy panic sets in as homes are swallowed in masses of tumbleweeds
Bizarre images have emerged of houses inundated with tumbleweeds in rural Victoria after extreme dry conditions cover homes in clouds of 'hairy panic'.
Residents have been left frustrated and exhausted trying to rid their properties of the ghost-like weed, which has engulfed front and back yards, gardens and garages.
"It is frustrating. You know that you've got a good couple of hours work ahead of you and that's always sort of displeasing," resident Jason Perna said.
With each breath of wind, more tumbles in.
Named hairy panic, the weeds of Wangaratta are world-class, holding their own against Texas tumblers.
"It's physically draining and mentally more draining," resident Pam Twitchett
Locals say the tumbleweed has been around for a couple of years but, with dry conditions, this summer is by far the worst.
They suspect it's coming from a nearby paddock that a farmer has failed to maintain.
The council can't help because the situation is not considered a fire risk, which has left homeowners to clean up indefinitely.