'Feeding a hungry baby is not grandstanding': Larissa Waters hits back at breastfeeding trolls

Queensland Senator Larissa Waters has hit back at claims her decision to breastfeed on the floor of the Senate was a ‘spectacle’ and has hit out at trolls.

The Greens MP cradled her three-month-old Alia Joy while delivering a motion late last month.

But while the Senator posted on Facebook that “trolls don’t usually bother” her, she aid she “had to say something about this for all breastfeeding mums” following a News Corp article.

“First, we had the spectacle of Queensland Greens Senator, Larissa Waters, breastfeeding her child on the floor of the Senate while moving a motion,” the article reads.

The Senator slammed the article on Facebook. Source: Facebook
The Senator slammed the article on Facebook. Source: Facebook

“How do these pieces of grandstanding assist the citizens of Queensland or South Australia in any meaningful way?”

Senator Waters slammed the article and said people needed to “get over it.”

“Feeding a hungry baby is not grandstanding and it’s certainly not a spectacle,” she posted.

Senator Waters with baby Alia Joy after putting forward a motion on Black Lung disease in the Senate Chamber at Parliament House. Source: AAP
Senator Waters with baby Alia Joy after putting forward a motion on Black Lung disease in the Senate Chamber at Parliament House. Source: AAP

“Women have always worked and reared children, whether that work was paid in the workplace or unpaid in the home.”

Facebook users praised the Senator for post.

“It would be so easy for you to bow to this patriarchal crap and take your child out of sight to feed her, lest you upset people,” one user said.

“Thank you for refusing to allow breastfeeding to be pushed out of sight. Well done for doing both of your jobs with such commitment and care.”

The post received more than 1700 likes.