Fresh look into online GST rate

The push to lower the GST threshold on overseas purchases will get a fresh boost on Wednesday, with treasurers to be given a report on options.

Treasurer Joe Hockey will brief State treasurers on how the Abbott Government's financial policy priorities, in particular on infrastructure projects, will be funded.

The standing council on Federal financial relations meeting will be the first Mr Hockey has presided over.

With Tony Abbott vowing to be an "infrastructure prime minister", Mr Hockey will be responsible for finding the money to pay for it, though the Budget is heavily in the red.

Specific projects are unlikely to be discussed but one central theme will be kick-starting private involvement in projects.

Public-private partnerships are out of favour after several road tunnel projects in Sydney and Brisbane failed for their owners because of low patronage.

The Federal Treasury will also hand over a report on changing the $1000 GST-free threshold for goods bought online from overseas.

Retailers want a lower threshold to level the playing field with online stores and the States are worried about revenue being eroded.

Treasury has argued that reducing the threshold would cost more to administer than it would raise.

A spokeswoman for Mr Hockey said the opportunity for the first discussion with treasurers was welcome and would focus on growth and a broad framework to increase productivity.