Fraser admits leaking Palmer letter

Queensland Treasurer Andrew Fraser has admitted he leaked a letter from mining magnate Clive Palmer's company to the state's coordinator general.

And he says he'd do it again because no one should be allowed to bully, intimidate or threaten a public servant.

Mr Palmer has accused the Labor government of conspiring with rail operator QR National for commercial and political gain.

He is suing QR National for $8 billion, accusing the privatised company, which is one third owned by the Queensland government, of a breach of confidentiality and misleading conduct.

Mr Palmer says his company and QR National were jointly working on a plan for the rail line.

But he says QR National has since announced its own plan, and alleges QR National and the government are in cahoots for
commercial and political reasons.

Mr Fraser on Thursday admitted he had leaked a letter from Mr Palmer's Waratah Coal to Coordinator General Keith Davies because it was the act of a bully.

He said he had a responsibility to stand up in defence of a public servant who was being threatened and intimidated.

"The letter was provided to me as the responsible minister and I made it available in the public arena," Mr Fraser told ABC radio.

"I absolutely released the letter and I make no bones about that whatsoever."

Mr Fraser later told reporters the coordinator general Mr Davies had provided him with the letter.

He insisted that was appropriate because the letter contained a threat of legal action against Mr Davies and the government.

Mr Fraser said so far Mr Palmer's threats of legal action were all talk, and no paperwork had been lodged with the courts.

He said he wished the mining magnate well in his claim against QR National.

"I say very good luck with your legal action.

"I have a law degree one with first class honours and I cannot comprehend what Mr Palmer is talking about."

Earlier, Mr Palmer told ABC Radio he had no trust whatsoever in the coordinator general. He also defended the letter to Mr Davies.

"All we have done is sent a letter saying these are our concerns can you please answer them," he said.

The letter outlines plans to sue QR National, seeks details of all correspondence from Premier Anna Bligh, Mr Fraser and other ministers about the matter.

It goes on to threaten Mr Davies with legal action for improper actions.

It claims Mr Davies' decision to grant the QR National proposal significant project status conflicts with Waratah Coal's existing declaration.

Mr Palmer, a long-standing member of and donor to the Liberal National Party, also moved to clarify which party figures he'd discussed the Galilee Basin with.

Labor has claimed Mr Palmer will be expecting special treatment from any LNP government.

Mr Newman this week denied having discussed the Galilee Basin with Mr Palmer. A spokeswoman later moved to clarify his remarks, saying Mr Newman thought media questions had related only to the current conflict between Mr Palmer and the government.

Mr Palmer was asked on Thursday what dealings he'd had with Mr Newman, LNP parliamentary leader Jeff Seeney and LNP president Bruce McIver in relation to the Galilee rail project.

He said had not discussed the project with Mr Newman.

"I have had no personal one-on-one meetings or made any representations to Campbell Newman whatsoever in relation to this
matter," Mr Palmer said.

"I haven't requested anything from him. I never had a private meeting with him.

"I only met with Campbell Newman in my whole life probably no more than on four occasions and I have not seen the fellow in four or five months."

He said he had not met with Mr Seeney either about the project.

He said he spoke to his close friend Mr McIver nearly every day but the LNP president had never made him any promises on behalf of the party.

"I probably talk to him every day or two about different things we do together.

"He is involved in what we do and has been for many years."