Fisherman removes 34 babies from dead endangered shark

The stark reality of the shark fin industry has been brought to light by a horrifying video of a fisherman removing 34 babies from a dead hammerhead shark’s stomach.

Passersby watched the Florida fisherman remove the baby sharks from the body of a 13-foot hammerhead that became caught in the nets of a charter boat.

People from the group told media the 376kg shark had bullet or spear holes in its body and that its fin had been removed.

The fisherman puts the baby sharks into a bucket, as onlookers comment on the catch. Some even laugh.

The shocking video was shot earlier this month in Destin, after a charter boat on a fishing expedition caught the animal.

Onlooker Jeff Bratcher told, his son was deeply disturbed by the incident.

“My oldest son, he said ‘Dad, this is wrong.'”

Great hammerhead sharks are on the International Union for Conservation endangered species list, but are not protected by the US government.

Shark fin soup is considered a delicacy in some parts of the world, and hammerhead sharks are usually killed for their fins, rather than their meat.

The possession and sale of shark fins is legal in Florida.

A Facebook page belonging to the charter boat posted photos about the catch, but quickly deleted it after users complained.

Morning news break – June 18