FIRST ON 7: SA Police accused of using excessive force during arrest

A man says he was left with broken bones and bruising from an encounter with police captured on CCTV during an arrest at Ingle Farm.

When Phil Esposito, 47 pulled into his garage at 3am two Sundays ago, two police officers followed him inside.

Mr Esposito told 7 News: “I see a copper run underneath my carport I turn towards him to say 'What's going on?'

"Next thing I know I'm on the ground."

Mr Esposito claims the officers from Holden Hill cuffed him, then lashed out in an unprovoked attack.

“I'm on the ground getting bashed in handcuffs and rthen they drag me out to the front,” he said.

His wife and three daughters watched on as he screamed in pain.

The father says his eldest daughter tried to help but was pushed away.

“I’m traumatised for my kids, my youngest daughter doesn't want to sleep at home anymore. My oldest daughter slept with a knife yesterday."

In the footage an alleged police officer can be heard saying ‘act like a man’.

His neighbour heard the screaming and started filming on his mobile phone.

Originally he thought he was doing the police a favour but says he was quickly proved wrong.

He said: "They were acting like thugs instead of members of an organisation meant to protect us."

Mr Esposito was eventually taken to hospital where he was charged with disobeying a direction, aggravated assault, resisting arrest, drink driving and driving while unlicensed.

He says he has a fractured bone in his skull, a broken nose and eye socket along with cuts and bruises.

While in hospital he says he had a visit from police internal affairs and he complained about the officers.

He added: “They were just bashing my head into the ground. look, the proof is in the pudding man you don't get these scars from nothing.

SA Police refused to confirm to 7 News whether or not an internal investigation was underway.

Police have seized over an hour's worth of video from Mr Esposito's house.