People blow up over Ferrari driver's choice of parking spot

A Ferrari driver has been slammed for leaving their $150,000 sports car in a disabled parking spot outside a popular cafe.

A damning image of the luxury vehicle appeared on the Brisbane Reddit feed over the weekend and showed the Ferrari occupying a disabled space outside one of the city’s Cafe 63 stores.

The user who shared the image said they checked the vehicle to ensure it had a disabled parking permit but couldn’t spot one.

They simply captioned the image: “Wan***”.

The Ferrari shown parked in a disabled parking spot outside a Brisbane Cafe 63. Source: Reddit
The Ferrari driver was on the receiving end of criticism from Brisbane locals for his choice of parking spot. Source: Reddit

The post sparked outrage from Reddit users who lambasted the driver.

“I’d have a hard time not keying the guy’s car after that,” one person declared.


“I bet their legs could easily have walked a few extra steps, not so easy for some folks, they need that spot,” another said.

The original poster was questioned over why they didn’t approach the driver over the act but they appeared against the idea from their responding comment.

“Sure, I'll just walk into a crowded cafe and demand the owner walk outside for a quiet word. What could possibly go wrong?” they said.

Brisbane City Council imposes fines of $266 for drivers found parking in disabled spots without a valid permit.

Earlier this month, an elderly man was also criticised for using a disabled bay without a permit in Sydney.

His excuse was that he was 74.

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