Feeding dingoes could now cost you more than $10,000

People who feed dingoes could cop fines of more than $10,000 after a toddler was dragged from a camper trailer on Fraser Island.

The Queensland government has doubled the maximum fine to $10,444. The minimum fine is now more than five times what it was and stands at $2088.

More fenced camping sites will also be created on the island, and a major education campaign run to help improve visitor safety.

Environment Minister Leeanne Enoch said people must understand that feeding dingoes emboldens them, and increases risks for humans.

“Increasing fines for those who deliberately disturb dingoes or feed them sends a very clear message about how dangerous the practice is,” she said.

Dingo strolls along a beach on Fraser Island. Source: AAP
Dingo strolls along a beach on Fraser Island. Source: AAP

Work is underway to identify sites for new fenced areas at locations not accessible to dingoes.

Rangers have increased patrols and fined six people over the Easter school holidays for not properly securing food.

A 14-month-old boy needed surgery earlier this month after a dingo dragged him from his camp bed, leaving him with a fractured skull and puncture wounds.

One of the dingoes bit the boy’s neck and began dragging him into the bush by his head before his father heard his screams and fought the dogs off.

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