Rent a tent: Miserable backyard abode proves Sydney property prices are mad

Sydney’s rental crisis has taken an odd turn with someone posting a tent for rent in a backyard.

The tent, available for $130 a week, was posted in Facebook group Inner West Housemates – a forum for anyone searching for a place to live in Sydney’s inner western suburbs.

"We have a space available from May 24 onwards to stay at my place in Sydenham," the post read.

Spacious living. Source: Facebook
Spacious living. Source: Facebook
The owner has asked that the tent's resident contributes to household duties. Source: Facebook
The owner has asked that the tent's resident contributes to household duties. Source: Facebook

"Includes all bills and $100/week of communal food that you can add to at your leisure.

“We are also part of a vege (sic) box collective.”

The post also asks whoever rents the tent to be willing to take on cleaning responsibilities in the house along with contributing $200 bond.

The post has since been removed.

The backyard of the Sydenham house. Source: Facebook
The backyard of the Sydenham house. Source: Facebook