'Eyes rolling back': Shocking reason behind puppy's sudden sickness

A woman is warning pet owners to keep a watchful eye on their precious fur babies after her dog stumbled across some marijuana he thought was a tasty treat and almost died.

Rachel Laverty recalled the terrifying moment she found Bryn, her four-month-old Cavapoo unresponsive, explaining she was on a camping trip with her family when the puppy fell asleep as they were setting up the tent.

"Didn't think much of it as I took him for a good walk in the morning so he would be tired for the car trip and set up," she wrote in a Facebook post.

A photo of Bryn the dog, a four-month-old Cavoo lying down asleep in his cage.
It wasn't the trip the family expected. Source: Facebook

"Once we set up we went over to him as [we] were a bit concerned he hadn't woken yet," she continued. "When we got to him he was unresponsive, eyes rolling back and stiff!"

Vet realises puppy 'is stoned'

Ms Laverty said they called an emergency vet in hysterics, before going to the local vet with the now unresponsive dog.

"The vet checked him over whilst I stood helpless trying to retract the day and what we had done," she recalled.

"The vet came out and said he is wobbly but responsive, have I seen him fit as he is acting like he might have had a seizure.

As the baffled vet ran through suggestions of what might be wrong with Bryn, Ms Laverty suddenly remembered the pup had picked up what she thought was a cigarette on their walk.

"When I pulled it from his mouth I commented it smelt like weed," she wrote.

Immediately, the vet realised what was wrong with Bryn - "Your dog is stoned!" he told her.

Luckily, the vet said Bryn will recover from the experience, giving him diazepam to make sure he didn't suffer any more side effects and he was back to normal by the morning.

"I mean! Who knew," Ms Lavety said in disbelief. "Thankfully the vet was correct, we have our amazing boy back to normal this morning and we are all so so relieved.

Although the family is "sort of" laughing about it now, they are urging pet owners to be vigilant.

"PLEASE keep an eye on your precious fur babies around cigarette ends! I DID notice and I DID pull it from his mouth which is why I realised what it was by the smell but he still had bad effects bless him!

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