Ex-U.S. Attorney Says 'Appreciable Chance' Donald Trump Dies In Jail If He Loses Election

Former U.S. Attorney Harry Litman examined the possibility of Donald Trump dying behind bars if he doesn’t win the 2024 election.

It’s because the three remaining criminal cases against the former president would then definitely take place if in November he’s beaten again by President Joe Biden, Litman said on Wednesday’s episode of former Sen. Al Franken’s (D-Minn.) podcast.

“If he doesn’t win he has an appreciable chance of dying in prison,” Litman claimed.

“The whole time line, the whole crisis point of November goes away,” he explained. “So, if he doesn’t win on the fifth, those cases lie ready to bring.”

Trump was convicted last week in his hush money trial. He will be sentenced on July 11.

Litman predicted Judge Juan Merchan will sentence Trump to a couple of months in prison. But he stressed the presumptive GOP presidential nominee wouldn’t “see a cell for a couple of years” as he goes through the appeals process.

Watch Litman’s analysis here:
