Everything You Need to Know About the 2024 Hurricane Season Prediction

It’s unofficially summer which means hurricane season is kicking into full gear. Every June to November, meteorologists study the earth’s atmosphere to calculate just how treacherous hurricane season might be. This year, it looks like unprecedented storms are on the way for the Atlantic coast.

According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, there’s an 85 percent chance that the 2024 Atlantic hurricane season will be above average, a 10 percent chance that it will be average, and a 5 percent chance that it will be below average. More specifically, NOAA hypothesizes there will be 17 to 25 named storms with winds above 39 miles per hour, with eight to 13 of them projected to become actual hurricanes with winds 74 mph or higher. But that’s not all. NOAA also expects there to be four to seven major hurricanes that rank as category 3,4, or 5 with winds above 111 mph.

Before you start to panic, know this: Forecasters are only 70 percent confident in these ranges. Still, considering one of the strongest El Niños ever observed is dwindling and Atlantic temperatures are at near record highs, researchers can’t help but consider how it will affect La Niña conditions, and how they can help prepare the communities bound to be most impacted by an enhanced hurricane season.

“With another active hurricane season approaching, NOAA’s commitment to keeping every American informed with life-saving information is unwavering,” NOAA Administrator Rick Spinrad, Ph.D., said in a statement. “AI-enabled language translations and a new depiction of inland wind threats in the forecast cone are just two examples of the proactive steps our agency is taking to meet our mission of saving lives and protecting property.”

Additionally, this season, NOAA will be able to send out immediate storm warning updates, as opposed to the typical 6-hour cycle. This modification will make for more accurate storm communication, which will in effect protect communities along the coast, as well as those more inland.

All in all, while summer fun ramps up, make sure to keep an eye on the forecast, especially if you live along the coast. Being proactive about your storm plan is the best way to avoid a hurricane season disaster.

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