Emmerdale star on Charles' panic as Ethan collapses

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Emmerdale star Kevin Mathurin has spoken about the dramatic collapse scene coming up for Ethan Anderson.

The actor's character Charles Anderson is left devastated next week as his son's health takes a sudden turn for the worse.

The upcoming scenes see Ethan prepare for court, after deciding to face the music over his recent car accident involving Nicky Miligan. Ethan is facing charges for dangerous driving and leaving the scene of an accident.

Just when Ethan is preparing to leave to attend the hearing, he collapses and is unresponsive as Charles and Manpreet Sharma both desperately try to resuscitate him.

ethan anderson, charles anderson, emmerdale

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Speaking about the upcoming scenes, Kevin explained: "By this point in the storyline, Ethan has realised that he grew up with a lot of morals and whatever the consequences, doing the right thing comes first.

"Ethan does feel guilty about what happened to Nicky and he's going to do the right thing and face up to his responsibilities.

"When the day of the court hearing arrives, Charles lets Ethan know how proud he is over him doing the right thing. He says that whatever happens will happen and they'll face it together. Ethan is also feeling very strong and confident that he's doing the right thing.

"Charles reassures Ethan that he won't be in prison for long – the sentence won't be that bad, hopefully. But then Charles realises that he's not getting any response. He comes back from the kitchen into the living room and realises Ethan's on the floor. He goes into emergency mode and he has no clue what's going on."

ethan anderson, emmerdale

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Kevin continued: "Charles is suffering and he's panicking in the moment. He knows a bit of CPR, but Ethan is not responding. He's a bit more relieved that Manpreet shows up and can do a better job than he can, because she's qualified.

"But due to the time that's lapsed, Charles is in a bit more distress and panic over the situation because Ethan's not responding.

"Charles hasn't got any idea why this has happened, but he's probably thinking it's something to do with Ethan's recent incident when he was knocked over in the hit and run."

Emmerdale recently revealed that Ruby Fox-Miligan was responsible for targeting Ethan in the hit and run incident.

ethan anderson, caleb miligan, ruby miligan, emmerdale

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Ethan refused to get himself checked out at the hospital after what happened – and he also decided to protect Ruby's sinister secret.

Asked how the Anderson family will cope with the drama to come, Kevin replied: "Each time someone has left the family, it's broken them. They're currently finding and putting the pieces of the puzzle together again. Even Manpreet and Claudette are bonding again.

"Things seem to be going well and they're all patching things up, but then this happens.

"I think all Charles is focused on is making sure that his son is well and he's going to be alright. He's not thinking about the family falling apart – they're dealing with it as a family."

Emmerdale airs on weeknights at 7.30pm on ITV1, and streams on ITVX.

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