Doctors warn parents about anti-vaccination documentary

Doctors have taken the rare step of warning parents about an anti-vaccination film that will be screened for the first time in Perth on Friday.

The anti-vaccination documentary argues there's a link between vaccinating children and autism.

Vaxxed is an American documentary about children who allegedly became disabled almost overnight after receiving an injection.

"He was walking and running. After the vaccine he was no longer able do that," one woman in the documentary claimed.

The film will be shown in Perth on Friday.

Dr Andrew Miller from the WA Australian Medical Association told 7News, "This film is lies and playing on people's emotions."

The American documentary is due to be screened in Perth on Friday. Source: 7News
The American documentary is due to be screened in Perth on Friday. Source: 7News

The documentary claims there's a link between Autism and vaccinating children. And it is directed by a former doctor, Andrew Wakefield.

"(This is) an advertisement that's been made by a discredited ex-doctor," Dr Andrew Miller claims.

Wembley mother Judy says the information in Vaxxed is the truth - and she's written a thesis on it, published by the University of Woolongong.

She says her 18-year-old is also unvaccinated and healthy.

Researcher Judy Wilyman told 7News, "It's not just my opinion, it's having studied this topic at university and in the medical journals there are over a 100 independent studies in the peer-reviewed journals linking vaccines as a cause of autism."

The location of the screening has so far been kept a secret. Source: 7News.
The location of the screening has so far been kept a secret. Source: 7News.

The documentary has been advertised over social media and will be screened at 7.30 on Friday night - but where has so far been kept a secret.

Viewers will be texted the address thirty minutes before show time.

Mrs Wilyman says that's because the group who has organised the screening is worried they will be targeted for their views.