Parent's disturbing find while putting child to bed

An unwelcome intruder likely seeking the warmth of a child’s bed has delivered one mighty shock to a pair of protective parents.

The long, skinny common tree snake was spotted appearing to make its way towards a baby’s cot inside a home in Camp Hill, Brisbane.

In a photo posted to Snake Catchers Brisbane, Ipswich, Logan and Gold Coast’s Facebook page, the reptile was seen perched on one of the cot’s side rails.

“The last thing you expect to see when you’re putting your child to bed,” the post read.

“Lucky in this situation it was just a common tree snake.”

A common tree snake pictured on the edge of a cot in the home in Camp Hill, Brisbane.
The skinny snake was seen slithering along the wooden side rail of the child's cot. Source: Facebook/Snake Catchers Brisbane, Ipswich, Logan & Gold Coast

The green or common tree snake is a familiar visitor in parts of north eastern Australia, and fortunately does not produce poisonous venom.

The sight of one inside a child’s room however is still enough to leave anyone quaking, with many people expressing their concerns under the Facebook post.

“My baby would never be sleeping in that room again,” one parent posted.

“I’ll be forever searching my daughters room for snakes now,” someone else said.

Another parent said their child would have to fend for itself if there was ever a snake in their room.

“Imagine if the baby had woken up and you were going to get it, yeah nah you’re on your own kid,” they said.

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