Dibdin takes the trifecta

Three eagerly contested races were held in local waters on Sunday, March 15, as Broome Sailing Club's wet season campaign continued.

Launching from the beach at Gantheaume Point, a fair south-westerly breeze greeted the intrepid sailors, who tackled a short and sharp course.

Miranda Dibdin was first over the finish line in each of the three races, as she displayed her skill in a hobbie 16.

John Dayman and his impulse had a good tussle with Mike Burbridge and his laser yacht, with the former showing good downwind planning ability and the latter displaying significant speed while heading upwind.

Loi Odore suffered from a number of capsizes in the club laser, but was still competitive, while newcomer Ben Collins also took part on his 2.4m nutshell yacht.

Another afternoon's sailing is planned for Sunday, April 12, to complete the wet season series.

This year, the Broome Sailing Club is embarking on a substantial training program, which will involve the Broome Scouts.

The program will begin next month and run until June, with a small match-racing weekend planned as a culmination.

BSC head trainer John Dayman said that the club would also take training to the Derby Scouts and One Arm Point if time and resources permitted.

"Local youth desperately need things to do to keep them healthy and busy," he said.

"Sailing is perfect as with KidSport support costs can be greatly reduced and external funding is also available.

"Sailing is a clean fun sport that is suitable for every able person.

"The club looks forward to expanding its horizons this year and taking sailing out to more remote places."