Devin Nunes Mentioned Nude Trump Pics Again And People Have Questions

Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) has once again mentioned hypothetical nude pictures of President Donald Trump and Twitter users are wondering just why the lawmaker ― a close Trump ally ― is so obsessed.

Nunes has repeatedly referred to the pics and did so again on Thursday night during an interview on Fox News:

Nunes, who is currently suing a parody cow account on Twitter, is likely referring to a phone call made to Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) by Russian pranksters, one of whom was posing as a member of the Ukrainian parliament. The pranksters claimed Russian President Vladimir Putin possessed compromising materials on Trump, including nude pictures.

Putin, the pranksters claimed, had promised Trump to keep that material secret in exchange for dropping U.S. sanctions on Russia.

Schiff offered to bring in the FBI to review the evidence.

But Nunes has consistently honed in on the naked pictures incident, repeatedly bringing it up in recent months and again on Thursday. People on Twitter are wondering why:

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