Devast8 teen decides to keep his face tattoo

A New Zealand teenage father who covered half his face with a tattoo reading “DEVAST8” has changed his mind about getting it removed.

Mark Cropp, 19, took to Facebook last month to share his employment struggles as a result of the facial tattoo he received during his time in jail for a two-year sentence for armed robbery.

Cropp initially accepted an offer from Sacred Laser to have the tattoo removed and began the process.

But Sacred Laser said on Thursday that Cropp had rejected their offer to have it completely removed, and wasn’t taking any further sessions.

Cropp said he had been laughed out of job interviews. Source: Facebook
Cropp said he had been laughed out of job interviews. Source: Facebook

But he told Herald Focus he had since found a job working night shifts and had put his laser removal on hold until he got used to them.

Sacred Laser said the offer still stood if Cropp wanted it removed.

"This would be the biggest [tattoo] on the face that I've come across,” the clinic’s co-owner Brian Neville told the NZ Herald.

The 19-year-old and his partner were desperately trying to get back custody of his two-year-old daughter, after they lost it while Cropp was in a Christchurch prison.

Mark Cropp has revealed how his face looked before he had the 'DEVAST8' tattoo. Photo: Supplied
Mark Cropp has revealed how his face looked before he had the 'DEVAST8' tattoo. Photo: Supplied

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He said he received the tattoo from his brother while in jail during a home brew drinking session.

"Part of jail life, you get people with tattoos and you look at them, step back, 'Watch out for that guy' sort of thing,” the young dad said.

“Before I knew it I had this on my face... It was swollen like a bloody pumpkin."

Cropp said he received the tattoo from his brother while in jail. Source: NZ Herald
Cropp said he received the tattoo from his brother while in jail. Source: NZ Herald

The ex-con received a number of job offers after his Facebook post went viral.

It’s not known what Cropp is currently doing for work.