Detectives arrest teenager in Derbyshire on suspicion of west London murder after manhunt

 (PA Wire)
(PA Wire)

Detectives have arrested a teenage murder suspect in Derbyshire after a man was found with fatal wounds in west London.

The victim, 43, died in hospital after an attack in Uxbridge on Monday evening.

He was found in Dawley Avenue at 8.10pm and treated by paramedics before being rushed to hospital.

The suspect, 18, was arrested in Derbyshire on Tuesday.

Acting Detective Chief Inspector Rebecca Woodsford, said: “We have launched a murder investigation after a 43-year-old man died in hospital following an assault in Uxbridge in the evening of Monday, 4 March.

“I know this will be concerning to local residents, however I want to reassure them and the man's family that we are working around the clock to establish what has happened.

“On Tuesday, a man was arrested on suspicion of murder.

“Our investigation is in its early stages and I am keen to hear from anyone who may have witnessed anything out of the ordinary. Please get in touch with police or Crimestoppers.”

The victim’s family has been notified and a post-mortem examination will be held later this week.

Anyone with any information is asked to call police on 101 quoting reference CAD 6741/04Mar.

To remain anonymous contact Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.