Desperate search for missing girl

Alexandra Green. Picture NSW Police.jpg
Alexandra Green, 11, is missing from Sydney. Picture: NSW Police

Police are searching for a young girl who has been missing for almost 24 hours ago in Sydney.

Alexandra Green, 11, was last seen on Gladstone Road in Marrickville, about 1.20pm on Tuesday.

When she could not be located, police were notified and officers began making inquiries into her whereabouts.

Police and family hold concerns for her welfare due to her age.

Alexandra Green. Picture NSW Police.jpg
Alexandra Green, 11, is missing. Picture: NSW Police

She is described as being of caucasian appearance, about 160cm tall with thin build, and shoulder length brown hair and brown eyes.

She was last seen wearing a black hooded jumper, black bike shorts and black shoes.

Anyone with information into her whereabouts is urged to call police or Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.