Dramatic head-on crash caught on camera - but who is really to blame?

A head-on collision has been captured on dashcam after an impatient driver turned into oncoming traffic, but online viewers have highlighted other contributing factors.

Cruising down a suburban street, the dashcam owner – who appears to be a Menulog driver – couldn’t believe their bad luck when a truck trying to cross the road to turn right, pulled out suddenly into their path.

Just before the crash, a third vehicle travelling in front of the dashcam owner slowed down and turned left off the road, likely obscuring the view of the truck as it was accelerating into the street.

The video was posted to Facebook last week, gathering more than 300 comments from backseat drivers on social media.

While the truck turning into the road must give way, some people were willing to spread the blame around a little, suggesting the third car was also at fault.

“This is why, if you do NOT get as far over to the left as possible to turn, others can not see past you to make the correct judgement call!” one person said.

Amazingly, one person took it even further.

“The first turning car's fault, it should've moved over to the left and been closer to the kerb,” they commented.

However the onus to give way is on the turning truck and many were quick to criticise the driver for causing the crash.

“Ah the old "I can't see so I'll turn anyway" trick,” one person added sarcastically.

“How hard is it to wait an extra few seconds? Much cheaper than doing this,” another commented.

“How the hell did the driver of the ranger not see two cars? The view to the road was as clear as bottled water!” a different commenter offered.

Given the reflection in the windscreen, many people speculated about the motorist driving for Menulog. Source: Facebook/Dash Cam Owners
Given the reflection in the windscreen, many people speculated about the motorist driving for Menulog. Source: Facebook/Dash Cam Owners

Another person suggested drivers should adopt the anticipation often used by those on motorbikes or bicycles.

“That's an entirely predictable outcome. Fundamental difference between motorbike riders and some car drivers. A biker would expect the car to pull out and preempt the collision. Car driver does the opposite.”

The crash took place on November 28, but it is unclear where exactly it happened.

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