Dad raising money for cystic fibrosis taking part in world first jet lag study

An Australian dad is half way through a nightmare mission of 12 days of non-stop flying overseas in economy.

Sydney dad Matthias Fuchs is on a 200 hour marathon that started as a fundraiser for his daughter who has cystic fibrosis.

Apart from raising vital funds, the trip will also provide valuable information for the scientists who will be monitoring his extreme jetlag and sleep deprivation for a world first study.

Mattias Fuchs and his daughter. Photo: 7 News
Mattias Fuchs and his daughter. Photo: 7 News
The father and daughter say goodbye. Photo: 7 News
The father and daughter say goodbye. Photo: 7 News

"Whenever I get a bit tired I think about the amount of money that's being raised."

Without leaving the plane or terminal and flying economy he is making sixteen stops in twelve days covering every continent except Antarctica.

He told 7 News: "It is crazy. I spent some time on the plane thinking this is madness when you're getting off a 17 hour flight from Dallas and then going on a flight to London."

The constant change in time zones is extreme and researchers from Sydney's Woolcock Institute of Medical Research have been monitoring his body clock, tracking genetic changes, in a world first study into jet lag.

Associate Professor Delwyn Bartlett, from the Woolcock Institute of Medical Research, said: "Inattention is probably one of the biggest problems and executive functioning, such as doing things in a logical manner, is impaired, and memory."

This is Mr Fuchs' fourth adventure and he will raise almost $600,000 for research into cystic fibrosis.

Mr Fuchs on board one of the planes he will be spending all his trip on. Photo: 7 News
Mr Fuchs on board one of the planes he will be spending all his trip on. Photo: 7 News

This afternoon he flew to London, he is back Friday for a few hours then straight off to Santiago.

After 190 hours and 160,000km he is home on Sunday for good.

Mr Fuchs added: "I'm constantly surrounded by people so I'm looking forward to being alone.”

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