Council's radical plan to shake up how garbage bins are collected

One Australian city council is planning to change up its bin collection schedule, but critics have rubbished the idea.

Adelaide City Council wants to introduce fortnightly bin collections, a plan supported by the Local Government Association of South Australia.

But the Opposition has trashed the proposal as a risk to public health.

“Public health would be undermined if we saw a cancellation of weekly rubbish services,” Opposition leader Peter Malinauskas said.

Lisa Teburea, from the Local Government Association of South Australia, explained the reasoning behind the proposal.

Adelaide City Council is planning to introduce fortnightly bin collections under advice from the Local Government Association of South Australia. Source: File/Getty Images
Adelaide City Council is planning to introduce fortnightly bin collections under advice from the Local Government Association of South Australia. Source: File/Getty Images

“(It’s) really aimed at what we can do to help councils and communities increase recycling,” Ms Teburea said.

Residents also aren’t too keen on halving bin collections, with concerns about rubbish building up on the street.

“I think that’s a stupid idea to be honest,” one man said.

“I really think they’d get a lot more rubbish around the place. People would dump it,” another concerned resident said.

Health Minister David Spiers, who was reportedly open to the idea, said it is now “not something the state government is happy to pay attention to.”

The LGA admits it can’t push the idea forward if people won’t support it, but hasn’t scrapped the idea completely.