Couple’s brazen act on train

People having sex on Seaford line. Picture Instagram 2.JPG
A couple have been caught having sex on an Adelaide train line. Picture: Supplied

A commuter has captured shocking video of a couple involved in an intimate act on an Adelaide train.

The incident reportedly took place on Tuesday evening on a seemingly empty train carriage on the Seaford line which runs from south of the CBD.

Footage of the incident has since been posted on social media, with one person saying they “never” want to take public transport again after watching the clip.

The passenger appears to have stumbled upon the private act while catching the train home, and went unnoticed by the couple sitting at the end of the carriage.

The woman is facing away from the rest of the carriage and appears to be straddling the man’s hips while bouncing up and down.

People having sex on Seaford line. Picture Instagram 2.JPG
A passenger on the Seaford line caught a couple having sex. Picture: Instagram
People having sex on Seaford line. Picture Instagram 2.JPG
The video was posted to social media. Picture: Instagram

As the camera zooms in on the couple, the mans legs can be seen spread out in the aisle.

Despite the numerous empty seats on the carriage, the couples shocking act has been viewed by some of the 158,000 followers of an Adelaide meme account.

“Just an average Tuesday night on the Seaford line,” the caption reads.

Followers of the page took to the comments to share in a mix of disgust and humour over the brazen act.

“New meaning to getting railed,” one said.

“@adelaide.metro, might want to do some deep cleaning …,” another person said.

“Never taking public transport again,” a third wrote.