This Wild Picture Of A Colorado's Man's Fake Chain Is Going Viral Because It Literally Saved His Life

A man in Commerce City, Colorado can thank his (likely) fake metal chain for saving his life.

A man with short blond hair and a beard wears a faux fur-lined jacket, black t-shirt, and silver chain necklace. He has a piercing above his right eyebrow

^That's not the man, but this is what happens when you search for "man wearing a silver chain" on Getty Images.

Alones Creative / Getty Images

According to the Commerce City Police Department, "This silver chain-- approximately ten millimeters in width-- is likely the only reason the victim of a shooting we responded to yesterday is still alive."

A silver chain with a damaged section is placed on a brown paper envelope labeled "ULINE."

"The .22 caliber bullet was fired during an argument and would have ended up in the victim's neck had it not instead become lodged in the chain he was wearing." The post continued. "As a result he suffered only a puncture wound."

Close-up of a silver chain with one link stained with blood and damaged, suggesting it has been tampered with or forced apart

"Side note-- we don't know what kind of metal this is, but it's likely not pure silver. We looked it up... and silver is soft. So maybe think twice before you knock a knockoff."

A silver chain with a damaged section is placed on a brown paper envelope labeled "ULINE."

As this person said, "Real jewelry could never."

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