Coalition neglects the detail

The coalition has neglected to include detailed costings on its key election promise of repealing the carbon tax.

In a pitch to swinging voters in the mortgage belt, Tony Abbott promised that scrapping the carbon tax would leave the average family $3000 better off over the next six years.

Mr Abbott gave assurances households would keep the tax cuts and increases in welfare payments designed to compensate them for higher prices caused by the carbon tax.

"These tax cuts and fortnightly benefit increases will become the genuine cost of living relief, worth around $4 billion a year, rather than partial compensation for Labor's damaging carbon tax hit," he said.

"Only the coalition will scrap the carbon tax - lock, stock and barrel."

However, the coalition's policy document did not contain details on what the hit to Budget revenue would be from removing the carbon price and funding the household compensation package.Instead, Mr Abbott's spokesman referred _The West Australian _to the Opposition Leader's Budget reply speech, in which Mr Abbott nominated several measures that would save almost $5 billion a year, more than covering the cost of retaining the tax cuts and benefits rise.The coalition would announce further savings from abolishing climate change-related agencies, such as the Climate Commission and the Clean Energy Finance Corporation, later in the campaign.