Chinese high school graduates parade in bikini to land job as airhostess

Becoming a flight attendant in China is so competitive you have to look good in a bikini to be considered.

On Wednesday Eleventh National College, located in north-east China, hosted an annual annual contest showcasing high school graduates aspiring to become flight attendants or models, according to People's Daily Online.

Modelling agency Oriental Beauty organises the annual contest showcasing high school graduates aspiring to become flight attendants.

Women are required to have no scars and a sweet voice. Photo: YouTube
Women are required to have no scars and a sweet voice. Photo: YouTube
The students had to parade in bikinis as well as airline uniforms as part of the annual contest. Photo: YouTube
The students had to parade in bikinis as well as airline uniforms as part of the annual contest. Photo: YouTube

The audition attracts more than 1,000 graduates from national high schools who parade themselves in swimwear and airline uniforms in order to get work as a model or airhostess.

Oriental Beauty is the modeling agency who organises the event, requiring applicants to be at least five foot six in height.

Although If a woman has an exceptional look the height restriction may be dropped to five foot five.

The candidates are required to be “elegant and slim and mustn’t have any scars.

The modeling agency also wants women must have a "sweet voice".

Becoming a flight attendant in China is considered to be hard as becoming a supermodel. Photo:
Becoming a flight attendant in China is considered to be hard as becoming a supermodel. Photo:

From here, graduates who attracted the attention of a school would be given training to become a flight attendant.

Talent from Shandong, Hebei, Shanxi, Anhui, Jiangsu, Jilin and other provinces take part in the ‘professional’ audition.

The "beautiful promotion" is said to be a platform to find talent in one place and to help professional colleges and universities “focus” on selection criteria.