China tensions and wars in Gaza, Ukraine loom over G7 talks in Italy

Leaders from seven of the world’s richest countries are meeting in Italy from Thursday for a three-day gathering that will largely focus on the wars in Europe and the Middle East as well as growing tensions between the West and China.

The annual G7 summit, being held in the picturesque region of Puglia on the Adriatic Sea, brings together France, Germany, the US, Canada, the UK, Italy, Japan and the European Union for informal group conversations and one-on-one talks.

This year’s event, the 50th, will host a record number of guests.

Invitations have been extended to Pope Francis, Jordan’s King Abdullah II and leaders from Ukraine, India, Brazil, Argentina, Turkey, the UAE, Kenya, Algeria, Tunisia and Mauritania.

Heads of global organisations including the United Nations, the World Bank, the IMF and the African Development Bank also will be present for discussions that will include climate change, development in Africa and artificial intelligence.

Middle East conflict: The G7 is expected to endorse US President Joe Biden’s ceasefire proposal for Gaza, though no harsh criticism of Israel’s bombardment is expected.

The G7 Summit serves as a critical platform where major economies discuss global governance and finance issues.

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