Chilling video shows two children running from feared abduction attempt
Chilling video has emerged of two schoolchildren frantically running away from a man.
The man is caught on camera just moments after the incident, which happened on Tuesday afternoon, walking down the road and pulling his beanie down.
It is one of three feared abduction attempts on students in Adelaide’s northern suburbs in just one week.
The brother and sister can be seen sprinting down the street in the suburb of Salisbury Park, so terrified they dart in front of cars.
“They ran across the road into traffic, even the police mentioned that,” witness Peter said.
Two siblings finally sought refuge in a Good Samaritan’s car.
“We’re asking for that man or other people who know the identity of that man to come forward,” SA Police Detective Chief Inspector Cath Hilliard said of the man seen walking down the street.
On Wednesday a boy was almost snatched by a man in the Adelaide suburb of Craigmore, but somehow managed to break free.
Last Friday, a stranger tried to coax a little girl into his car as she walked to school at Salisbury North.
All three incidents happened during the day.
Police believe it is the work of three separate men but say they cannot rule out a serial predator.
The descriptions also vary, with one man reportedly having an Irish or Scottish accent.
Police have been going door-to-door along several streets across the northern suburbs, looking for security vision that could give them a lead – particularly a number plate or a clearer shot of the suspect’s face.
Seven News can reveal parents at a Smithfield Plains Primary School are now also on edge after a student was “asked to go to the shops and buy lollies” with a stranger.
“I won’t be letting my daughter walk to school on her own anymore,” one parent said.