Cat Deeley only has four hours sleep

Cat Deeley survives on four hours sleep a night.

The 47-year-old presenter – who has sons Milo, eight, and five-year-old James with husband Patrick Kielty – finds it hard to switch off at the end of the day but always wakes up early, and after trying various methods in an attempt to get more shut-eye over the years, she’s grown to accept that she just doesn’t need to rest for very long.

She told Top Sante magazine: “I do struggle with early starts and with sleep too.

“Even when I was a little girl, I would wake up and have read two-thirds of a ‘Malory Towers’ book before my mum had even opened her eyes.


“I find it difficult to turn off my brain. First I make a to-do list – ‘Did I cancel the boys’ violin lesson? Have I booked tennis?’ – and then my mind just disappears into an abyss of nonsense and worrying about things I can’t control.

“I’ve tried everything too, magnesium, salt baths, pillow sprays, sleepy teas, meditation, breathing exercises.

“I’ve tried stories – as lovely as Matthew McConaughey’s voice is [on the app Calm] whispering sweet nothings in my ear, it still doesn’t work.

“I’ve just come to terms with it now and as long as I get four hours, I’m OK.”

The ‘This Morning’ presenter loves using hot and cold treatments to help stay healthy.

She explained “I love using an infrared sauna and cryotherapy chamber to boost my health.

“I go to London Cryo where I use the infrared sauna to sweat out all the rubbish.


“I have to read a magazine, so I’ve got my glasses on, and at the same time I put my legs up the wall for some lymphatic drainage – I’m so glad no one can see.

“I sit there for 45 minutes, get incredibly sweaty, wash my hair then jump into the cryo tank for three minutes.

“The chamber only goes up to your neck, so I don’t go fully in…

“I started using cryo after I had Covid when my hands were aching and sore and my joints weren’t great. It seems to be helping.

“It helps me sleep too on the days when I do it.

“I also have IV drips there, and B12 injections if I’m travelling. I try to be proactive about my health.”