What To Do When You Can't Go To Your Waxing Appointment

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Body hair removal, or lack thereof, is a personal choice. But whatever routine you choose, chances are it has changed at least somewhat due to the spread of COVID-19.

As salons in Australia have been forced to close indefinitely, those who have committed to a waxing regimen might wonder how to maintain their progress without undoing all the time (and pain) they’ve put toward all those years of waxing.


European Wax Center education manager, Gina Petak, told HuffPost that ideally, we should be taking this time to let our hair go through its natural growth cycle. In other words, do not shave.

“Take this time to grow out hair so you are ready for a wax when you can go back out,” she told HuffPost over email. “Since most public places and social gatherings are called off, this is a great time to grow hair out.”

It is typically frowned upon by aestheticians to shave between waxes, as waxing removes hair from below the skin surface and promotes a slower, lighter regrowth over time than shaving. Having said that, Petak said you should feel free to tweeze stray hairs, especially to keep eyebrow shape, and if you are going to shave, she has some advice for doing that, too.

“We recommend changing razors our every two to four weeks and if you must shave, only shave the sides of your bikini line,” she said. “This way you still feel groomed...

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