Bomber and cop killer dies in jail

Australian Police Tape
NCA bomber Domenic Perre has died less than a year after being found guilty. Picture: Supplied

The man who bombed a police headquarters in 1994 – killing one police officer and seriously injuring a lawyer – has died.

Domenic Perre was found guilty in October last year and was expected to die in jail after he was sentenced to 30 years.

The 65-year-old died in hospital overnight, the ABC reports.

Dominic Perry Viewing of Locations
National Crime Authority bomber Domenic Perre has died. Picture: NCA NewsWire / Brenton Edwards

He was found guilty almost three decades after he sent a parcel bomb the National Crime Authority headquarters in Adelaide in March 1994.

The broad daylight bombing killed Detective Sergeant Geoffrey Bowen as he sat in his own office and seriously injured lawyer Peter Wallis.

Mr Wallis survived the bombing but died in 2018.