Bizarre sight on popular running track

A man dressed in a leafy camouflage has been jumping out of the bushes and scaring people on Sydney’s Bay Run.Picture: NewsWire / Bianca De Marchi

A man camouflaged to blend into the bushes and trees lining Sydney’s popular Bay Run has been jumping out of the bushes to “scare people” and “make people laugh” while filming them for YouTube, with one frightened woman reporting him to the police.

An NSW Police spokesperson has confirmed that officers attached to Leichhardt Police Area Command received a report from a female jogger who was frightened when a figure dressed up in a costume jumped out of the bushes on the Bay Run at 5.15pm on Thursday.

One woman reported the man to police. Picture: Instagram/giftedandtalentedteacher
One woman reported the man to police. Picture: Instagram/giftedandtalentedteacher

“Inquiries have revealed there may have been more – similar – incidents, which haven’t been reported to police, but are circulating on local social media forums,” the spokesperson said.

In a video posted to her public Instagram stories, Sarah Weston spotted the man, who could be seen with green leaves covering him from head to toe, standing on the side of the running track, blending into the trees and bushes.

“Here is the man on the Bay Run that everyone is saying that they can see,” Ms Weston said.

“Look, he’s camouflaged.

“Oh my gosh, we have to walk past this.”

The man said he was there to “scare people” and “make people laugh”. Picture: Instagram/giftedandtalentedteacher
The man said he was there to “scare people” and “make people laugh”. Picture: Instagram/giftedandtalentedteacher

In another video, Ms Weston approached the man wearing and asked him what he was doing.

“Scare people,” he responded.

“Make people laugh.”

Ms Weston asked the man if it was OK to record him for social media, to which he responded: “No worries.”

“What’s your name?” Ms Weston asked.

“I’m from a YouTube channel, I put it on YouTube”

When asked if he was filming, the man responded “yes”, and seemed to point to where his camera was, which was across the path, by the water.

Police are appealing for anyone with information about the incidents to contact Glebe Police or Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.