Aussie man with disability forced to shower in front yard for four months

Harold Kinross has been showering outside in a portable bathroom after his termite-infested bathroom was ripped out but never repaired.

An Australian man with a disability living in public housing said he's humiliated from having to shower outside his own home, due to his termite-ridden bathroom being ripped out months ago but never replaced.

South Australian man Harold Kinross, from Nailsworth in Adelaide, has been showering outside in a portable shower supplied to him by SA Housing for over four months. He said despite workers stripping out his toilet, sink, shower and walls, no remedial work has been done to complete the job and to make matters worse, the termites remain.

Kinross, who lives with an intellectual disability, said bathing outside has caused him mental stress, and he's been forced to shower early in the morning to avoid embarrassment.

Adelaide man Harold Kinross in his supplied portable shower at the front of his home.
Adelaide man Harold Kinross has been forced to shower outside for four months. Source: 7 News

"I have to come out here about 5.30 in the morning because I get embarrassed neighbours might see me having a shower," Kinross told 7 News. The 62-year-old said he "has to check for passers-by" before turning on the water and the ordeal has significantly disrupted his routine.


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"It’s disgusting. Minister, do something about it. I vote you in to do your job," Kinross said, adding that the shower leaks onto the footpath and makes him feel imprisoned — "like you’re in a jail cell".

The Adelaide man has been living at the same address for almost 30 years and said he's been an ideal tenant during that time.

Harold Kinross's portable shower and inset is a view of his termite-ridden bathroom.
Harold Kinross said he has no idea when his termite-infested bathroom will be repaired, four months on. Source: 7 News

He's now calling on the government to step in and finish the job that was started, though there's no indication of when that might occur.

Human Services Minister Nat Cook told 7 News it was "hard to predict when a property will become available”. "I understand how challenging it’s been for this tenant and his family," she said.

Yahoo News has contacted SA Housing Authority for comment.

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