Apple's new 'must have' iPhone emergency feature

While much of the focus surrounding Apple’s iOS 11 software has been centred around the new iPhone X handset, a new feature that experts believe could help reduce domestic violence has gone relatively unnoticed.

Apple’s new “Emergency SOS” feature allows users to covertly call police without even removing their phone from their pocket.

In the case of an emergency, users who feel scared or threatened can quietly (or loudly) call 000 by rapidly clicking the lock button five times.

The caller is given three seconds to cancel the SOS but once it goes ahead, even if the user is unable to speak to the 000 dispatcher, emergency personnel will still be made aware of the person's location (regardless of whether their Location Services are enabled).

Once the call ends, any saved emergency contacts will be automatically alerted of the caller's location and that they have contacted police.

They will continue to receive automatic updates if your location changes

NSW police said they welcome the new SOS feature if it helps victims of domestic violence.
NSW police said they welcome the new SOS feature if it helps victims of domestic violence.
By rapidly tapping the lock button five times, your iPhone will automatically phone 000 within three seconds. Source: Yahoo7
By rapidly tapping the lock button five times, your iPhone will automatically phone 000 within three seconds. Source: Yahoo7

Police warn against 'false alarm' calls

While NSW Police said they welcome any innovation that helps "victims of domestic violence", they warned iPhone users not to try and trigger the emergency call.

"Prompt reporting assists police and allows them to intervene quickly," a NSW Police spokesperson told Yahoo7.

"However, we would be concerned if critical resources were diverted due to unintentional or 'pocket calls'."

Safety Net Project National Director, Karen Bentley, told Yahoo7 the feature will be "especially useful" for women in domestic violence situations.

"The reality for most women in domestic violence situations is that they know their abuser, so the fact that they can do this covertly is great," Ms Bentley said.

"I'm deeply hopeful that not too many women will need to use the feature though."

The SOS feature will automatically alert your emergency contacts that you have contacted police, while also sharing your location. Source: Yahoo7
The SOS feature will automatically alert your emergency contacts that you have contacted police, while also sharing your location. Source: Yahoo7

The Emergency SOS feature provides an opportunity for anyone to seek help from a dangerous situation.

While several other apps have attempted to provide a similar service, Ms Bentley said the fact that this feature is native to the iPhone means "the GPS should be much more accurate".

To enable the feature, update your iPhone to iOS 11. Once you've done that, go to settings, "Emergency SOS", toggle the "autocall" function to on.

From there you can choose to activate the "Countdown Sound" that triggers an emergency alarm as the phone prepares to call police.

Ms Bentley said the loud noise could help scare off would-be attackers in a "dark and dangerous area".

Head to settings and tap 'Emergency SOS'. Source: Yahoo7
Head to settings and tap 'Emergency SOS'. Source: Yahoo7
Toggle the Autocall setting to on in order to be able to secretly use the 'Emergency SOS'. Source: Yahoo7
Toggle the Autocall setting to on in order to be able to secretly use the 'Emergency SOS'. Source: Yahoo7

Managing emergency contacts

iPhone users can create or manage emergency contacts by editing their Medical ID in the Health app.

If your Location Service is disabled, it will be temporarily enabled in order to notify your emergency contacts.

If you don't want to send your location to your emergency contacts, open Settings, tap privacy, location services, system services, turn off Emergency SOS.

While little has been made of the SOS feature, some of those who have discovered it have since taken to Twitter and pleaded with other women to activate the setting.

“To all the women to ever exist ever: go update your phone and activate this now,” one Twitter user wrote after learning of the feature.

"This is a must have."

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