Aldi infuriates parents with 'cruel' baby formula move

Aldi customers have been left angered and confused after the supermarket discontinued an in-demand item from their baby range.

Mamia baby formula has been discontinued by the German retailer, however, mums have been left baffled after Aldi staff members gave customers differing information.

Some customers said they’d been told the entire range had been deleted, while others said only part of the range was no longer available.

Since stock started disappearing from supermarket shelves, panicked mums have taken to Facebook to confirm what staff members at their local stores have told them.

“I was told by Aldi today it is discontinued. I asked "do you mean all formula, no more?" and they said, "that's right, no more formula it's discontinued".

Tin of Mamia Aldi baby formula.
The popular Mamia baby formula will soon be discontinued at Aldi stores. Source: Supplied

"A huge shame we have conflicting information,” one person wrote in a post on the Facebook page Aldi Mums Australia.


“It's discontinued for repackaging. Not deleted,” added another.

“Only stage 3 has been discontinued - from an Aldi employee,” commented a third.

The changes Aldi will make to its baby formula

Yahoo News Australia understands that the entire range of Mamia baby formula, including stage 1, 2 and 3, will be discontinued nationally by the German retail giant.

Customers will soon see the change rolled out in stores, with the Mamia formula range's price tags changing to show the line is discontinued.

The range is now no longer available to view on the store's website.

The Mamia baby formula range includes Mamia Gold Infant Formula step 1, Mamia Gold Follow On Formula stage 2, and Mamia Gold Toddler stage 3.

Aldi store entry. Source: Getty Images
This is the second time in a matter of weeks that a change has been made to the store's baby range. Source: Getty Images

Parents brand Aldi's formula decision as 'cruel'

Concerned mums have now been left wondering what to do next, sharing their frustrations about the in-demand formula no longer being available.


“No, you are kidding?! My girl is on the newborn and it’s good for her. We had to swap from Nan comfort when they changed their formula. Dammit I don’t know what to go to now for her,” one mum said.

“I wouldn't ever do something as cruel to parents and bubs as to steer them away from formula," said another.

"Some families like myself, rely on cheap options. I would never ever do such a thing to lie about a main food source for an infant."

"How annoying, this was really good and so much cheaper!" shared a third.

Customers who use the range are now worried the news could start a panic buying frenzy, with some mums commenting: “Stock up now while you can still get it”.

Aldi makes changes to their nappies

This is the second change to the store’s popular baby range in a matter of weeks after some mums noticed big changes to the store’s nappy varieties.


One mum recently noticed that the Australian manufactured nappies suddenly started falling off her toddler with the tabs ripping off completely. Others reported that the nappies no longer stay closed either.

“I’ve used Aldi nappies for all my kids from birth until they were out of nappies and I’ve never had an issue," she told Yahoo News Australia.

"So the difference was very quick to pick up on.”

Mamia packet (left) and the nappies (right). Source: Facebook/Aldi
The change in Aldi's nappy range is mainly across the breathable top sheet which used to be smooth, but now has a dotted surface. Source: Facebook/Aldi

Other mums noticed the “terrible” changes too, saying they’ve found the nappies have started leaking and the tabs no longer hold the nappy closed.

An Aldi spokesperson confirmed the changes to the waistbands and the absorbent layer of their nappy products.

"We have made improvements to our Mamia Ultra Dry Nappies including wider waistbands for a better fit and added a new dimple top sheet layer for faster absorption and longer-lasting dryness," the spokesperson said.

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