'I am a thief' tattooed into teen's forehead after he's caught stealing

A tattoo artist has tattooed the words "thief" and "loser" on a terrified teen's forehead, after alleged catching him stealing a bike from a man with one leg.

Video has emerged of the teen being forced to get the tattoo in Brazil.

It says: “Eu sou ladrão e vacilão”, which translates to “I am a thief and a loser.”

The alleged thief is sat in a plastic chair as the tattoo artist begins his work. Source: Liveleak
The alleged thief is sat in a plastic chair as the tattoo artist begins his work. Source: Liveleak

The Daily Mail reports, the artist, Maycon Wesley, cornered the teen after he allegedly stole a bike, sat him in a chair and scribbled the words on his forehead.

Wesley and his friend Ronildo Moreira de Araujo then reportedly released the boy after tattooing him on Friday, but he has since gone missing.

After viewing the video of the inking online the boy’s family contacted police.

The tattoo. Source: Liveleak
The tattoo. Source: Liveleak

Wesley and Aruajo were arrested and charged with torture.

The boy’s whereabouts remain unknown.