Deadly snake photographed completely camouflaged

A photo shared on the internet proves just how careful you need to be when walking in the bush as not every animal, or reptile, will be able to be seen in plain sight.

A woman has taken to Twitter to post a photo of a deadly snake hidden under a pile of leaves, asking people to see if they can spot it.

The poisonous snake does a great job at hiding in the leaves. Photo: Twitter / Helen @SssnakeySci: Jerry Davis
The poisonous snake does a great job at hiding in the leaves. Photo: Twitter / Helen @SssnakeySci: Jerry Davis

Twitter users have been engaging in the difficult brainteaser- a photo of what appears to be a pile of leaves on the ground.

The tweet has had over 11,000 likes and was retweeted almost 2500 times, with most unable to spot the reptile.

The image was posted by Helen, a biology student from Florida who studies reptiles, after her friend Whitney G Walkowski sent her the photo.

Helen followed the original tweet with the same photo showing where the snake is.

The snake is actually in the centre of the photo. Photo: Twitter / Helen @SssnakeySci: Jerry Davis
The snake is actually in the centre of the photo. Photo: Twitter / Helen @SssnakeySci: Jerry Davis

She told followers it's a agkistrodon contortrix - a dangerous venomous snake that's endemic to Eastern North America.

The common name for the snake is copperhead.