Driver pulls knife on cyclist after pair race through Perth roundabout

The driver of a 4WD in Western Australia has been caught on camera threatening a cyclist with a knife.

The frightening scene came after the driver and the rider jockeyed to be first around a roundabout in

“This particular day saw an unusual amount of 'must get in front' attempts,' the rider wrote on video posted to YouTube.

“I was able to fend off most with a strong position, and if necessary, a slight sudden movement further out.”

The cyclist’s tactic to stay in front appeared to enrage the driver though. The footage shows the man speeding in front of the bicycle before slamming his breaks on a jumping out with what appears to be a knife in his hand.

In an expletive laced outburst, the driver accuses the rider of hitting his car during the roundabout encounter.

“You touch my car, you pull out, you’re a f***ing idiot,” the driver yells.

The cyclist backs off after spotting the weapon but claimed on YouTube that the driver had been fined $1500 for ‘unprovoked road rage’.

It is not clear exactly when or where the incident occurred but the footage was published on Search For YOUR REG channel on YouTube on Tuesday.