Is this the most mysterious channel on YouTube?

A mysterious YouTube channel has left internet users stumped since its launch early last year.

The channel titled "unfavorable semicircle" first appeared in March last year and is on target to have posted an astonishing 200,000 videos by the end of the month.

Not only the sheer amount of posts but the strange content has left YouTube users scratching their heads.

Hundreds of Reddit users have tried to 'crack the seemingly impossibly code' but they just can't quite make sense of the thousands of videos.

Only a small amount of the actual number of videos posted. Source: YouTube.
Only a small amount of the actual number of videos posted. Source: YouTube.

To date the channel has had over 57,000 views since it launched.

The first video titled ♐230511 lasted only a mere four-seconds, contains no audio and remains static with a brown background and a tiny black hole appearing on the screen.

Since then the channel has uploaded over 74,000 videos with a new video being added every few seconds.

Most of the clips have similar features to the first video.

They appear to all be very short in length, are typically silent however every so often they carry some intriguing clues that have ignited the several discussions about their origins and meaning.

Internet users have speculated that a message however is encoded in the videos.

A specific voice which appears to be that of a male first began in April last year in the videos.

The man typically speaks stating a single letter or number per video, each with no apparent connection to each other.

The highly unusual page has lead to many “fans” turning to Reddit to discuss the meaning of the videos and the actual purpose of the channel.

Different theories have been listed Reddit by many users. Source: Reddit.
Different theories have been listed Reddit by many users. Source: Reddit.

“I too find the whole thing quite unsettling,” says Reddit user Jackalackadingdong, who, along with several others, is investigating the intriguing videos.

“I felt really uneasy listening to this trying to pick out the sequence in the audio.”

Another Reddit user, KnotNotNaught, also posted possible theories noting that the average length of each of the videos is five seconds, and they adhere to a few naming conventions.

KnotNotNaught noted that the names of the first several thousand begin with a specific symbol followed by a seemingly random collection of numerals.

However videos posted later have started with “BRILL” and appear to be numbered in ascending order.

However many Reddit users seem to believe the key to the decryption lies in two videos titled ♐LOCK and ♐DELOCK posted within six months of each other last year.

An image of how the ♐LOCK video appears on the channel. Source: YouTube.
An image of how the ♐LOCK video appears on the channel. Source: YouTube.

Many theories have surfaced about the origin of the videos ranging from the logical to the absurd.

Some believe it’s a game “agents for a super-intelligent AI computer that tries to take over the world?”

Meanwhile others have compared the videos to number stations however others believe it’s a test for either YouTube or a third-party user.

When asked for answers YouTube declined to answer questions on the origin of the channel according to one online report.

News break – February 23