Surfs up! Seal caught on camera hitching a ride on a whale

It was an extraordinary day on the water for whale watchers at Eden, on the far south coast.

A pod of dolphins swam by them.

Then some more luck... Humpback whales, breaching just metres from boats.

And this wasn't even the star of this show.

Stevie, the surfing seal, stunned onlookers when he appeared riding the waves on top of a passing whale.

The surfing seal. Photo: Robyn Malcolm
The surfing seal. Photo: Robyn Malcolm

The incident was caught on camera by Robyn Malcolm, who couldn't believe her eyes.

It happened during a feeding frenzy and Robyn didn't even realise what she has snapped until going through the photos later.

Whale experts reckon the seal was probably trying to steal food.

Geoff Ross co-ordinator for NSW national parks and wildlife service told 7 News: "The seal was definitely cashing in on the whale's ability to make the fish form into a bait ball."

Robyn's photos have been the talk of the town.

See them for yourself here.