Queensland woman 'swallowed key with cereal'

A Queensland woman may have to undergo surgery after swallowing a metal key while eating from a packet of cereal.

Nikki Kemp, from Brisbane, claims the object was inside a packet of Coles brand 'Mighty Grain' cereal bought from a supermarket in Carrindale.

“I wasn't really paying attention to what I was chewing on,” Ms Kemp told 7 News.

“I did feel it when I swallowed it, and I choked and tried to cough it up.”

The 24-year-old says the pain in her stomach was so bad she was forced to go to hospital.

It is now lodged in her abdomen.

Ms Kemp returned the cereal to Coles after the incident and says while she doesn't want compensation, she does want the supermarket to recall the product.

The key is lodged in Ms Kemp's abdomen.
The key is lodged in Ms Kemp's abdomen.

Coles says the incident has been reported to Queensland Health.

"We have been in contact with the customer several times to obtain further information,” they said in a statement.

“The manufacturing process for this product includes multiple metal detectors and the finished product is x-rayed to check for any contaminants once it is in final packaging."

News break - September 8