Whales fight over female Humpback

Gold Coast whale watchers have witnessed an extraordinary sight after they were caught up in a battle between rival Humpbacks.

The ocean giants duelled ten kilometeres off the seaway - apparently a fight over a female.

The ocean giants duelled ten kilometeres off the seaway - apparently a fight over a female. Photo: 7News
The ocean giants duelled ten kilometeres off the seaway - apparently a fight over a female. Photo: 7News

In the incredible video, an adult female Humpback presents an impressive sight but is dwarfed when alongside a big adult male.

Or in this case - three.

The whales, weighing in at 40 tonnes were spotted mid-duel Tuesday morning trying to separate a mother and her calf. Photo: 7News
The whales, weighing in at 40 tonnes were spotted mid-duel Tuesday morning trying to separate a mother and her calf. Photo: 7News

The whales, weighing in at 40 tonnes were spotted mid-duel Tuesday morning trying to separate a mother and her calf.

The mother whale used the Spirit of Gold Coast vessel to shield the newborn in her brave battle to fight back as the pair were circled by their pursuers.

The mother whale used the Spirit of Gold Coast vessel to shield the newborn in her brave battle to fight back as the pair were circled by their pursuers. Photo: 7News
The mother whale used the Spirit of Gold Coast vessel to shield the newborn in her brave battle to fight back as the pair were circled by their pursuers. Photo: 7News

Most of the almost 200 whale watchers afloat had no idea they were witnessing an underwater attack.

"We saw aggressive behaviour today," Spirit of Gold Coast's Denise Ryan.

It's not uncommon for male Humpbacks to fight over a female, especially one with a calf.

It's believed this pair escaped after they were apparently spotted hours later several kilometres further north - all alone.

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