Veterinarian warns against #dogbun madness

You might have heard of the man bun, well now there's a dog version.

Pooches are stealing the limelight from their long locked owners, sporting matching top-knots online. The trend has erupted on social media, with more than three and a half thousand photos popping up on Instagram bearing the hashtag 'dogbun'.

This is no laughing matter. Photo: 7 News
This is no laughing matter. Photo: 7 News

But local veterinarians are warning the latest trend could cause serious and costly injuries.

To get the look, owners pull their pets’ ears back, securing them with elastic bands.

Vet Dr Ian Mcbryde has slammed the controversial up-do.

“If you put a rubber band around that you can cut off the blood supply to the ear so the whole top of the ear could die if it's left on for any length of time,” he explained.

He said it also has the potential to cause cuts as well as extreme discomfort. He also reminds owners that doggy ear surgery would cost them $1000.

“When you actually cut off blood supply it actually really does hurt. It's a very painful thing.”

No he likes it, really. Photo: Supplied.
No he likes it, really. Photo: Supplied.

He advised owners to look for safer options when experimenting with their pets’ style.

“I mean the most we've seen is ribbons in the hair at various times and stuff like that which is pretty normal, you know occasionally people paint their nails which is pretty harmless,” he explained.

The new doggy-do trend has dog owners divided.

Dog owner Sue Moharich is not sold.

“Oh it looks cute, it does look cute but I wouldn't do it to mine,” she said.

But dog owner Gaylene Schirripa disagrees.

“She's my fur baby, I don't have a child so I'm going to put ribbons in my kid's hair when I have them one day, why not put them in hers.”