Robber in blue full-body onesie fails to crack Subway safe

A robber wearing only a blue, full-body Spandex onesie and a pair of cowboy boots tried to crack a safe in a US Subway restaurant but left empty handed.

The attempted burglary was discovered on Sunday morning when an employee arrived at the store in Nevada, Missouri, to find someone had forced their way through the drive-thru window.

While nothing was stolen from the shop, security footage showed the burglar in a blue Morphsuit bungling his attempt to crack the safe.

The burglar bungled his attempt to crack the safe. Source: Supplied
The burglar bungled his attempt to crack the safe. Source: Supplied

After punching in several key codes, the burglar tried to kick the safe handle open with his cowboy boots.

Unsuccessful, the crook son left through the way he came.

Police are yet to catch the culprit, the Joplin Globe reports.

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