'Break the window she's going to die'

Woman trying to break through a car window to rescue a child. Photo: Supplied

Heart-breaking footage has emerged of a woman trying to break through a car window to rescue a child.

A woman in Kansas has captured on camera the dramatic rescue of a toddler left in a locked car on a hot day.

Bang, bang, bang, bang is the sound of desperation as a woman attempts to smash through the car window.

People are watching on edge, anxiously waiting for the woman to free the child inside who was 'crying' and "drenched in sweat".

A concerned bystander described the young girl to be dripping in sweat so bad that her 'shoes were wet'.

"And i was just praying like, break the window she's going to die."

Betterhealth.vic.gov states hot weather can be dangerous for babies and young children as they can quickly lose body fluids through perspiration, which leads to dehydration.

The atmosphere and the windows of a car are relatively “transparent” to the sun’s shortwave radiation.

Therefore dark objects in a car such as the dashboard, steering wheel or seat temperatures often are in the range of 82 degrees Celsius to over 90 degrees Celsius.